full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Elizabeth Cox: What causes hallucinations?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When the visual cortex is depivred of input from the eyes, even temporarily, the brain still tries to create a coherent picture, but the limits of its aibitleis become a lot more obvious. The full-blown hallucinations of Charles Bonnet Syndrome are one example. Because craelhs Bonnet sdnmyore only occurs in people who had normal vision and then lost their sight, not those who were born blind, scientists think the brain uses remembered images to compensate for the lack of new visual iunpt. And the same is true for other senses. People with hearing loss often hallucinate music or voices, sometimes as elaborate as the cacophony of an etnire mirhcnag band.

Open Cloze

When the visual cortex is ________ of input from the eyes, even temporarily, the brain still tries to create a coherent picture, but the limits of its _________ become a lot more obvious. The full-blown hallucinations of Charles Bonnet Syndrome are one example. Because _______ Bonnet ________ only occurs in people who had normal vision and then lost their sight, not those who were born blind, scientists think the brain uses remembered images to compensate for the lack of new visual _____. And the same is true for other senses. People with hearing loss often hallucinate music or voices, sometimes as elaborate as the cacophony of an ______ ________ band.


  1. marching
  2. input
  3. abilities
  4. deprived
  5. syndrome
  6. charles
  7. entire

Original Text

When the visual cortex is deprived of input from the eyes, even temporarily, the brain still tries to create a coherent picture, but the limits of its abilities become a lot more obvious. The full-blown hallucinations of Charles Bonnet Syndrome are one example. Because Charles Bonnet Syndrome only occurs in people who had normal vision and then lost their sight, not those who were born blind, scientists think the brain uses remembered images to compensate for the lack of new visual input. And the same is true for other senses. People with hearing loss often hallucinate music or voices, sometimes as elaborate as the cacophony of an entire marching band.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
charles bonnet 4
bonnet syndrome 3
brain areas 2
cerebral cortex 2
blind spots 2
visual cortex 2
hearing loss 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
charles bonnet syndrome 3

Important Words

  1. abilities
  2. band
  3. blind
  4. bonnet
  5. born
  6. brain
  7. cacophony
  8. charles
  9. coherent
  10. compensate
  11. cortex
  12. create
  13. deprived
  14. elaborate
  15. entire
  16. eyes
  17. hallucinate
  18. hallucinations
  19. hearing
  20. images
  21. input
  22. lack
  23. limits
  24. loss
  25. lost
  26. lot
  27. marching
  28. music
  29. normal
  30. obvious
  31. occurs
  32. people
  33. picture
  34. remembered
  35. scientists
  36. senses
  37. sight
  38. syndrome
  39. temporarily
  40. true
  41. vision
  42. visual
  43. voices